In Colombia, jaguars roam through the large forest areas that are still conserved, ranging from the Darién Gap, passing through exceptional places like the Serranía de San Lucas, and connecting to the Eastern Andes before moving through the vast territories of the Orinoco and the Amazon. Meanwhile, ocelots are distributed across various ecosystems, including the Amazon, Orinoco, and the Chocó biogeographical region.
BIOFIX BIC, as part of the nature-based solutions working in the territories, has been implementing REDD+ projects in collaboration with Indigenous and Afro communities in Colombia and Indigenous communities in Brazil, aimed at contributing to the conservation of forests, wildlife habitats, and migratory corridors, as well as many plant species that are part of these ecosystems. Over the last 6 years, the company has contributed not only to climate change mitigation but, alongside the ethnic groups it works with, has played a crucial role in the protection of endangered wildlife species such as the jaguar. “Panthera onca” y el tigrillo “Leopardus spp”.
The projects Delfines Cupica REDD+, Palameku Kuwei REDD+, Arlequín REDD+, Yaawi Iipana REDD+, Cocoman Frontera REDD+, Banakale-Isimali REDD+, Naya REDD+, Kaliawiri REDD+, Chonta Corozo REDD+, Unu-Mai REDD+ e Ilha do bananal REDD+have managed to protect and restore large areas of tropical rainforests, gallery forests, morichales, savannas, and other vital ecosystems, contributing to habitat loss prevention, maintaining corridor areas, feeding, and breeding sites, which are essential for the survival of jaguars and ocelots. The conservation of these territories ensures areas with a high level of ecological integrity, necessary for these species to thrive and reduce their risk of extinction.
This is how BIOFIX has implemented specific strategies to improve habitat quality and ensure ecological connectivity. These strategies include monitoring, controlling deforestation, and mitigating forest fragmentation, as well as sustainable natural resource management and the implementation of sustainable productive projects. Además, se promueve entre las comunidades locales, la educación ambiental y la sensibilización para fortalecer la comprensión de las dinámicas naturales y la importancia de conservar la flora y fauna nativa.
It is worth noting that, For Indigenous communities, jaguars and ocelots are ancestral figures of warrior spirituality and guardians, bearers of lineage, and symbols of power. Their protection is not only essential for biodiversity but also for the preservation of culture and ancestral traditions. Communities play a key role in conservation, maintaining ecologically stable territories and respecting their ancestral agreements of coexistence with these species.
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