Nature-based solutions to mitigate social inequality in Colombia
In addition to closing the inequality gap, the nature-based solutions are an effective instrument to prevent deforestation and promote green business.
Bogota, June 19, 2020. Historically, the ethnic communities have been protective of their territories, the 32% of the rural land in Colombia under its custody, according to the Geographic Institute Agustin Codazzi (IGAC), however, these groups are the most vulnerable to climate events, economic crises, and corruption.
For years, it has been evident the absence of formal, quality education and access to public services and health care in this population. This situation is compounded by deforestation, another challenge for the country. According to official figures of the IDEAM, in 2018, deforestation in the country came to 197.159 hectares, being the Amazon was the most affected region with 138.176 hectares.
“For the avoidance of deforestation, economic incentives for conservation must be increasing. Our work in BIOFIX is to ensure climate finance for trustees, forest ranger, and green business that ensure the continuity and sustainability of forest cover in the country,” said Ana Milena Plata, Executive Director of BIOFIX, in the panel: Carbon Market Business Briefs & Analyst Roundtable Latin America & South Africa, IETA, the International Association of Emissions Trading.
Since 2018, BIOFIX has worked with communities in nature-based solutions, which allow to obtain an economic benefit for the ethnic groups, reducing the inequality gap, encouraging the creation of green business in rural areas of the country, and avoiding deforestation.
In this process, the market for voluntary carbon has played a key role. This makes it possible for the companies with higher rates of emissions of greenhouse gases to offset your carbon footprint, apply to not causation of the carbon tax and contribute to the development of the ethnic communities.
“The carbon bonds represent a significant source of funding climate. Through the sale of carbon credits, councils and collective indigenous reserves receive resources to strengthen its governance, design, and implement green business, monitoring deforestation and reforestation, and to facilitate access to improved housing and health,” adds the Director of BIOFIX.
With projects funded through the marketing of bonds carbon can achieve the empowerment of the guardians forest, in addition to stop the logging and burning of forests, which will prevent climate change and reduce human exposure to emerging pandemics, decrease the spread of diseases that come from the tropical rain forest and, above all, to give economic support to the families of indigenous and afro-colombian, thereby reducing social inequality in Colombia.