The purpose of this recognition is to make visible those practices of excellence that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and their associated targets.
Bogotá, 06th October 2023 Within the framework of the 13th Global Compact Congress - Colombia Network in alliance with the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, BIOFIX BIC was awarded the recognition prize for Good Practices in Sustainable Development through the development of the YAAWI IIPANA REDD+ Project, standing out as an innovative and exemplary practice in terms of the principles of the Global Compact, as it not only promotes environmental protection, but also encourages the participation of local communities in decision-making in the development of REDD+ projects.

The YAAWI IIPANA REDD+ project project aims to prevent the emission of 29.642.371 tCO2e into the atmosphere through the conservation of 671,145 hectares of forest in the territory of the indigenous reservation Morichal Viejo, Santa Rosa, Cerro Cocuy, Santa Cruz, Caño Danta and otros located in the municipality of El Retorno Guaviare, mitigating the threats posed by the main agents and drivers of deforestation.
Upon being nominated to receive this recognition, Biofix Bicpartner developer of these communities), highlighted that the project addresses target 13 of the SDG Climate Action goal, as it aims to increase and conserve carbon sinks so that they can prevent CO2 concentrations from being emitted into the atmosphere.
Likewise, through the development of this project and the generation and commercialization of carbon credits, climate financing is provided to the proponent communities, allowing them to implement initiatives for sustainable forest management, community production, income diversification, green business, participatory restoration and others that generate social and environmental benefits in the territory.
This project represents a milestone in the development of REDD+ projects , as it is implemented under high standards of responsibility and ethics, among others, particularly safeguards, thus establishing an important precedent for future similar projects. In addition, Biofix's accompaniment has technically strengthened the resguardo, generating greater awareness of the importance of having a professional team to help manage the territory in a sustainable manner. As a result, an efficient management of resources has been achieved, which has led to subsidies for higher education for community members, infrastructure improvements, development of productive systems and strengthening of governance and local culture.
This project shows a comprehensive approach aligned with current global challenges, , being an inspiring example of how forest conservation can generate long-term environmental, social and economic benefits, improving the quality of life of the communities involved, which made it the winner of this international recognition.