What is a REDD+ project and what are its benefits?
March 25, 2021. REDD+ is a mechanism that is born in the womb of the Framework Convention of the United Nations convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), whose overall objective is to assist the Reduction of carbon Dioxide emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
This mechanism seeks to contribute to:
- To mitigate the effects of climate change.
- Preserve and enhance the Environmental Services associated with forests.
- To promote the sustainable management of forests.
- Preserve and promote the sustainable use of biodiversity.
- To improve the quality of life of the communities.
- Promote gender equity.
The REDD+ mechanism has been adopted by the vast majority of countries with tropical forests in the world, Colombia is one of them where the same serves as a mitigation initiative at the climate change, which seeks to contribute to the goals established at the country level, through National Contributions Determined (NDC, for its acronym in English), and also fits within the rules of the system of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification created by the Resolution 1447, 2018 the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
What are the benefits of a REDD+Project?
In addition to having as a goal Reducing Emissions From Deforestation And Forest Degradation, REDD+ Projects, which include within their implementation actions to improve the conditions and quality of life of the population where they develop, as well as ensuring the tenure of land, to strengthen the territorial governance and promote gender equity.
(Read also: REDD+ projects: a source of resources to promote plans of ethnic territorial)
These actions are part of the Comprehensive Strategy of Control of Deforestation and Forest Management that include, among others: the management of socio-cultural of the forests, the management of territorial planning and the generation and strengthening of legal, institutional and financial.
Each one of the actions to implement it is articulated with the vision and worldview of development that each of the communities has built collectively on their territories from a glance comprehensive, multidisciplinary and trans-dimensional; evaluating the compatibility of these actions with the instruments of planning local and regional related by the competition of jurisdiccionalidad and generating the appropriate strategies to ensure the compliance of the safeguards environmental adopted by the country.
How to be part of a REDD+Project?
The projects under the REDD+ mechanism are performed preferably in forested areas increased to 10,000 hectares, which can correspond to unique owners or groups of owners in the same region that they add up to the indicated area.
Met this requirement, we performed a feasibility study on technical and legal grounds, or territories, in order to be able to submit a project proposal which has no cost and it takes approximately a month to run with it.
If you have these requirements and documents, you can make the shipment to the post: proyectos@biofix.com.co and correspondencia@biofix.com.co
Learn more about the projects it develops BIOFIX in the colombian territory, and the impact that they have.