CEthnically diverse communities, hand in hand with BIOFIX BIC, have made a positive impact on the environmental and social well-being of the planet through the development of 13 REDD+ projects.
Bogotá, February 5, 2024. Over the past years, thanks to the development of 13 REDD+ conservation projects, certified net reductions of CO2e have been achieved, reaching the figure of 27,156,874 tons CO2e, with a significant annual average of 3,964,409 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
These achievements indicate that effective measures have been implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to counteracting global warming and its environmental impacts. This contributes to sustainability and the preservation of the environment at a global level.
The projects carried out in close collaboration with indigenous and Afro-descendant communities have been fundamental in mitigating climate change, as these local actors have played a crucial role in the successful implementation of REDD+ initiatives, promoting the conservation of ecosystems present in their territories and their culture.
Es de destacar que BIOFIX BIC va más allá de las cifras, resaltando su compromiso firme en la lucha contra el cambio climático a través del mercado de carbono como una herramienta clave para abordar sus desafíos, reconociendo la importancia de desarrollar proyectos innovadores y sostenibles que no solo reducen las emisiones de CO2, sino que también generan beneficios sociales y económicos para las comunidades locales involucradas.
For more information about BIOFIX BIC's REDD+ projects and their impact, as well as their ongoing commitment to combating climate change, please visit our page at REDD+ PROJECTS