Palameku Kuwei REDD+ is recognized as one of the top 500 environmental projects in Latin America.

Between 2.540 projects participants from all over Latin america, the project Palameku Kuwei REDD+ is selected from among the 500 best, occupying the position number 63. This recognition is given thanks to the work of social and environmental develop the project in their region.
Palameku Kuwei REDD+ is located in Cumaribo, Vichada, and is proposed by 6 guards indigenous people that inhabit this territory forest: Indigenous reservation Rivers Muco and Guarrojo (People Sikuani and Piapoco), Indigenous reservation Rivers Tome and Weberi (People Sikuani, Indigenous reserve Punta Bandera (People Sikuani), protected by the Indigenous San Luis Volume (Village Sikuani), Indigenous reserve The Emerald (People Sikuani), Indigenous reservation Valdivia (People Sikuani).
The project seeks to protect 32.629 hectares of humid tropical forest in the Oriniquía colombian, and, through your protection to mitigate the effects of climate change and the benefit of over 4,000 people that make up the guards.