Next to ethnic communities belonging to different projects REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and forest Degradation) project being conducted in partnership with BIOFIX, we have achieved the planting of 110 thousand native trees and fruit trees, mainly in the departments of Chocó and Vichada.
Three projects have been managers of reforestation initiatives in partnership with BIOFIX and Forest Live, this is the case of DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+, PALAMEKU KUWEI REDD+ and KALIAWIRI REDD+.
Hand-in-hand with their communities, and in training processes and the identification of needs, it has been determined a number of hectares for planting and the type of tree selected by the community.
For example, in Cumaribo, Vichada, where the project progresses PALAMEKU KUWEI REDD+ and KALIAWIRI REDD+, in the company of the Indigenous reservation Muco and Guarrojo and the Indigenous reservation Saracure, River, Each has been planted around 7,200 trees, and you're setting a nursery with 10,000 seedlings of species of Palm Cumare, Palma de seje, moriche Palm, Machaco, Yopo, Cedar, Flower Yellow, Cashew and Moringa.
Next to ethnic communities belonging to different projects REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and forest Degradation) project being conducted in partnership with BIOFIX, we have achieved the planting of 110 thousand native trees and fruit trees, mainly in the departments of Chocó and Vichada.
Three projects have been managers of reforestation initiatives in partnership with BIOFIX and Forest Live, this is the case of DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+, PALAMEKU KUWEI REDD+ and KALIAWIRI REDD+.
Hand-in-hand with their communities, and in training processes and the identification of needs, it has been determined a number of hectares for planting and the type of tree selected by the community.
For example, in Cumaribo, Vichada, where the project progresses PALAMEKU KUWEI REDD+ and KALIAWIRI REDD+, in the company of the Indigenous reservation Muco and Guarrojo and the Indigenous reservation Saracure, River, Each has been planted around 7,200 trees, and you're setting a nursery with 10,000 seedlings of species of Palm Cumare, Palma de seje, moriche Palm, Machaco, Yopo, Cedar, Flower Yellow, Cashew and Moringa.
Likewise, in Bahía Solano, Chocó, where it is carried out the project, DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+, communities, community councils, Dolphins and Cupica have carried out a reforestation project with 102.000 planted trees, recovering the rounds of water is of importance for the water supply and areas that had been intended for livestock.
These trees are of the species as Soursop, Lemon, Mahogany, Oak, Pichindé and Coconut, which were chosen by sawmill workers that are being linked as a park ranger.
The aim in the medium and long term is to continue working on reforestation projects in the different territories where they carry out REDD+ Projects, in conjunction with the Indigenous reserves and the Community Councils, with the aim of mitigating the impact of global warming and contribute to improving the quality of life of the communities living in the territories.