Project DOLPHIN CUPICA REDD+ is a finalist in the Award BIBO-THE SPECTATOR
Thanks to the work of social and environmental advance between Community Councils Northern Pacific Coast of Chocó Dolphins and Cupica, in partnership with BIOFIX, this project is rated as one of the finalists in the category": “Stock-framed in the nature-based solutions”.
In the Chocó Biogeographic lies a wealth of unique natural; more than two thousand species of endemic fauna and flora inhabit this territory and, in addition, is a fundamental place to the migration of species such as the Humpback Whale. There is where it develops one of the projects of leading conservation in Colombia: DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and forest Degradation).
Leveraged in the carbon market, looking through conservation projects to mitigate the impacts caused by global warming, capturing CO2 emissions and encouraging the compensation of the environmental footprint through the purchase of carbon credits, developing this project, located mainly in Bahia Solano and Juradó, Chocó.
Its main objective is to protect of 103,000 hectares of humid tropical forest, as well as species of flora and fauna that inhabit this territory. The process of preservation is thanks to the joint work between the Community Councils Northern Pacific Coast of Chocó and Cupica that, in alliance with BIOFIX, monitor and develop sustainable projects that benefit the environment and about 7,000 inhabitants of these municipalities.
Between their lines of action, the project fits with 13 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) as the end of poverty, improvement in education, climate action, among others, and are favored actions around the strengthening of territorial governance, the reforestation participatory, the oversight community, the strengthening of the agricultural sector and economic diversification with the local eco-tourism.
Due to its good results, the project DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+ is ranked among the finalists for the award BIBO-THE SPECTATOR 2021, which recognise the initiatives that demonstrate the linkage with the natural wealth of the planet and its biodiversity, the integrated management of ecosystems and the services derived benefit to humans, their threats and the possible actions that lead to a sustainable development of the country.
This is the second award that receives DOLPHINS CUPICA, since in 2019 he was awarded as number one in the category of Forests and forest Flora of the Awards Latin america Green impact environmental, and has established itself as a leader in the field of nature-based solutions.
On the 27th of October will be the awards final Awards BIBOwhere will determine the winner of the category and will be awarded the recognition to take place, in accordance with the decision of the jury. We invite you to be attentive to the social networks of BIOFIX, to follow the transmission of this event.
#FinalistasPremiosBibo | Through the project Dolphins Cupica REDD+, @BIOFIX2 seeks to protect 103.022 hectares of #BosquesTropicales moist forest in the northern area of the Department of Chocó, in the extreme western part of Colombia. 🌳
— BIBO (@BIBOCol) October 12, 2021