DOLPHINS CUPICA REDD+ occupies the first place in the Award BIBO – THE SPECTATOR
l project DOLPHIN CUPICA REDD+ was recognized as a winner of the Prize BIBO 2021 in the category of “Actions in nature-based solutions”, thanks to the work of social and environmental advance between Community Councils Northern Pacific Coast of Chocó Dolphins and Cupica, in partnership with BIOFIX.
This project is carried out in Bahía Solano and Juradó, Chocó, Colombia, and seeks to protect of 103,000 hectares of humid tropical forest, as well as species of flora and fauna that inhabit the territory. Its development is thanks to the marketing of carbon credits, leveraged in the carbon market in colombia, and emerged as a solution to social and environmental needs of the north coast of the Pacific, a region that has the levels of multidimensional poverty and unmet basic needs higher in Colombia.
His recognition in the Awards BIBO is due to the social and environmental impact that has had in recent years. The protection of forests and the work of community councils as custodians of forest have been of great significance for achieving important results in terms of improvements in the quality of life of nearly 7,000 people.
“This recognition is very important to our community council, as it reflects that we have done well the activities in favour of the environment and its conservation. We continue to work for the environmental conservation and the most important thing is the awareness that today it has on the communities facing climate changes that are occurring,” says Jhuver Gonzalez, chairman and Legal Representative of the Community Council for The Dolphins.
Since its origin, the project aligns with 13 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) as the end of poverty, improvement in education, climate action, among others, and are favored actions around the strengthening of territorial governance, the reforestation participatory, the oversight community, the strengthening of the agricultural sector and economic diversification with the local eco-tourism.
The structuring of the project, carried out by BIOFIX, is based on the mechanism of environmental mitigation called REDD+, which seeks to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
“It is a matter of pride to have this recognition that this is a project environmental and economic, where we bet on the development of peoples and the conservation of forests with the processes of reforestation”, says Carlos Andrés Hurtado, the legal representative of the Community Council of Cupica.
Both BIOFIX, such as Community Councils that participate in its development, is proud of this recognition given by BIBO – THE SPECTATOR, as it is a way of encouraging initiatives in favour of the environment and the development and improvement of the quality of life of the communities who are the custodians of the extensive forests of colombia.