We are experts in the structuring and development of conservation projects under the REDD+ mechanism (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Currently, we work with 26 ethnic communities: 9 community councils and 17 indigenous reserves in Colombia; as well as 6 indigenous communities in Brazil, as well as 6 indigenous communities in Brazil, with whom we are advancing significant conservation projects.
What is a REDD+project?
It is a mechanism that is born in the womb of the Framework Convention of the United Nations convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), whose general objective is to contribute to the Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. This mechanism seeks to contribute to:
- To mitigate the effects of climate change.
- Preserve and enhance the Environmental Services associated with forests.
- To promote the sustainable management of forests.
- Preserve and promote the sustainable use of biodiversity.
- To improve the quality of life of the communities.
- Promote gender equity.
How do we do it?
- Feasibility: we do a feasibility analysis of the territory.
- Approach: we provide the relevant information related to the REDD+ Projects, their benefits and phases, mechanisms of distribution of profits and distribution of roles directly with the owners of the territory.
- Signing of the agreements: set out the commitments to follow and be approved by the instances necessary.
- Formulation: define the steps and methods in the Project Design Document (PDD).
- Validation: it carries out a process audit and approval of the methodology of the project as described in the PDD.
- Verification: it verifies and approves the methodology of the project as described in the PDD.
- Certification: the project is certified and registered in compliance with the requirements of the different standards (VCS, CCB, among others).
- Registration: the project is certified and registered in compliance with the requirements of the different standards (VCS, CCB, etc.).
- Marketing: the sale of certified emission reductions within the framework of the carbon tax or the customers who wish to make voluntary compensation.
- Implementation: it puts all the actions set by the communities and projects that benefit families.