Delfines Cupica REDD+ wins first place in the category "Actions Framed in Nature-Based Solutions" by Premios Bibo El Espectador.

This project was recognized as the winner of the 2021 BIBO Award in the category "Actions Framed in Nature-Based Solutions", thanks to the social and environmental work carried out between the Costa Pacífica Norte del Chocó Community Councils - Los Delfines and Cupica, in association with BIOFIX.
Dolphins Cupica is carried out in Bahía Solano and Juradó, Chocó, Colombia, and seeks to protect of 103,000 hectares of humid tropical forest, as well as species of flora and fauna that inhabit the territory. Its development is thanks to the marketing of carbon credits, leveraged in the carbon market in colombia, and emerged as a solution to social and environmental needs of the north coast of the Pacific, a region that has the levels of multidimensional poverty and unmet basic needs higher in Colombia.