BIOFIX and CODECHOCÓ sign agreement to promote REDD+projects
The entities have made a pact of institutional collaboration to accompany projects of Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases (REDD+), which are currently being developed with the support of the community councils of the department of Chocó.
Bogota, April 6, 2020. BIOFIX CONSULTING and the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Chocó – CODECHOCÓ signed a collaboration agreement to accompany and promote REDD+ projects, which will allow the use of the technical capability of the environmental authorities, with the aim of generating a positive impact in the communities of the area.
With this agreement it will be able to move forward on actions related to the social development department, the establishment and strengthening of green business and the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Upon your signature, it consolidates the work that BIOFIX is developing in the region, allied with 5 tips community, through the efforts of conservation and sustainable use of the forests for the reduction of emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHGS). In addition, the company strengthens its goal of establishing partnerships to accompany the ethnic communities in the design and implementation of productive projects sustainable that can be generated with the issuance and marketing of bonds to carbon.
This agreement also materializes the functions of the Regional Autonomous Corporations, specifically those referred to in paragraph 6 of article 31 of the Law 99 of 1993, and the special CODECHOCÓ outlined in article 39 of the same standard.
The Corporación Autónoma Regional del Chocó will be a relevant actor in the control activities of deforestation and reforestation participatory, where there shall arise indicators related to the identification of causes, actors, and total areas deforested and degraded. Will also be a citizen group public on the implementation of the projects, which will allow to have transparency in the execution of the generated resources.